Among all the idol couples, Jennie and V are the most beautiful couple

Among all the idol couples, Jennie and V are the most beautiful couple

Among all the idol couples, Jennie and V are the most beautiful couple

I think it’s a good combination and comfortable for the eyes.

Fans may feel bad for bringing this up, but honestly, the best dating rumor for me is V and Jennie’s dating rumor

[+120, -76]

1. [+74, -11] For me it’s Jennie-GD and Kai-Krystal..

2. [+42, -18] Shut up, Baekhyun and Taeyeon

3. [+22, -8] V♡Jennie

4. [+6, -6] I feel sorry for V

5. [+5, -5] Because there is a lot of evidence and it is true

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