Female idol who had a girlfriend before debut

Female idol who had a girlfriend before debut

Female idol who had a girlfriend before debut

Katseye Manon

Manon on the left, girlfriend on the right

Couple photo

I don’t know if they’re still dating, but it looks like they’re seeing each other

1. Maybe because this is a foreign group, I don’t think much about it

2. Manon is so sexy

3. Besides Magnon, are the other members in the group also lesbians?

4. They look alike

5. I think Manon is really pretty. If you look at Katseye, she stands out the most

6. Her girlfriend is so pretty

7. Really? Isn’t this a concept or something??

8. How do you know they are still dating?

9. It’s much better than our country, which is filled with hate

10. I don’t think much about it

Original Post (1)